Thursday, June 7, 2007

Welcome and directions

Welcome to the FOL Blog.

We're hoping to to get some great discussions going on this blog about how to best serve students at Highlands.

Share new thoughts in a post, or respond to thoughts via the comments section.

Directions to post:
1. Click on "New Post"
2. Login using the username and password that was e-mailed to you.
3. Share your thoughts and hit "post"!

Directions to comment:
1. Click on comments
2. Write your review
3. Use the"anonymous" identity, but sign your name at the end of your comment so we know who it's from!

1 comment:

l y n n e a west said...

What a great idea for reflections. . .a blog, to keep the processing and the conversations rich and thoughtful. As per usual Highlands! I love to write down what I am thinking about since it takes more time than just speaking out, and the writing process itself is reflective for me. Well, anyway, I wish you well in your dialogue about how to best service the kids. I am sure it will be heard all over the district!